Sons Of Italy Officers

Sons and Daughter of Italy

Sons Of Italy in America in Omaha Officers

State President: Dan Matuella
Colombo Lodge President: Sarah Ruma
Vice President: Sam DiMauro
Recording Secretary: Lucia St. Cyr
Financial Secretary: Frank Rayer
Treasurer: Gary Procopio
Orator: Sam Troia
Membership Secretary: Jeff Matuella
Membership Coordinator: Steve LaGreca
Tony Sortino
Gary Procopio
George Grillo
Todd Procopio
Joe Caniglia
Steve LaGreca
Ola Partusch
Alternates: Ann Turco, Ron Hug

Arbitration Committee:
George Matuella
Nick Matuella
Harvey Palmer
Scott Hahn
Mike Fisk

Inside Guards:
Betty Barrett
Ted St. Cyr